tracking the hand that tracks the vectors

here's a neat thing i found online the other day. it's a piece of software that makes a visual image of the map that your mouse makes across the screen for whatever time period you desire. it's called iograph


here's roughly 21 hours.

crystal and spore metamapping

design lineages are an important part of the recollection of the work i have done over the past decade. i have had many projects which continued on for many years and gained a design legacy of their own which still continues to this day. my work with the legendary delvin solkinson, began as a partnership of poetic exploration and quickly became a whole cultural movement.

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media mashup remix

sometimes i like to remix images that have meaning or significance to the event i am working on a poster for. working with hoola (promoter in nelson) and yan zombie (all around audio maniac), allows me the opportunity to explore some of these retro oriented spoof posters.

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the new ness

This is the new Onbeyond Blog/Portfolio site. Please note that some of these posts will be grammatically correct, and some will be full of typos, intentional misspellings, secret codes, inside jokes and subliminal messages. Everyone is moving into the blessed new age of the post-facebook post your own ideas and have your own designed internet netowrking world! How exciting. We have only been waiting nearly a decade for the average joe/joesephine to figure out that facebook is a watered down version of what was already watered down.

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onbeyond 2010

Welcome to the next incarnation of onbeyond metamedia. Big things are happening as the potentials and projects are evolving at exponential rates. 2009 was a tough year of groundbreaking and goal setting. The snow hasn't been great so there's more time to work. The portfolio is gonna take a bit to get all sorted out on this new system. i can't wait to have a wordpress site.

This portal is where you find the day to day design ramblings and findings of a digital life mixed with organic greens. This is the permaculture / technomystical / whole systems overview. For those of you who used to follow the Crystal and Spore metalogues, this site marks a return to the media activism which once was so central to the vision. Now more than ever the media skills we espouse and aspire to are intended to be used with the aim to evolve our knowledge and understanding, enriching our experience and being inspired by natural systems.

Onbeyond Metamedia is entering it's decade of existence. Together with allies Gaiacraft, Akhentek, Geotropic and Syrinx designs, the stage is set for a larger visonary output with  a more broad sweeping scope: Media design and education for the future culture. It's coming full spiral. The evolution continues.