I have been part of Entheos since its early stages of conception. Part of Entheos from day 1 has been a desire to work with design whole systems, integrated media platforms, and technological communication arrays. Entheos, while being one of western Canada’s most grassroots festivals, has always equivalently priveleged the technological future with the grounded earthbased intelligence of permaculture incentives, holistic lifestyles and community education. Design has been a deep part of Entheos’ image reflecting an awareness the role that the event plays in the world and the lives of people that contribute. Media impact. Entheos is a festival with a conscience, although it does not preach, it practices a high level of social consciousness as well as entertainment. The entheos conference zone is a micro version of the BOOM FESTIVAL’s liminal village (INVISBLE/ONBEYOND/DEW), which was a pioneer concept in the festival world, to bring a full educational learning zone to the electronic dance music party culture. The global dance music community is huge, with festivals in europe reaching well over 20,000 people. The emergent global traveller culture is considerably interested in more than bass level partying. This is a global movement of people creating temporary autonomous communities, weekend-weeklong gatherings where people explore the edge of the imagination. Entheos is a small node, in Canada of a fullblown global phenomenon. This is more than a party. It is a way of viewing the world.. Far from mindless entertainment, Entheos 2012 promises so much more of an experience than the average music party can offer. At the same time, Entheos music and performance roster is world class, on 3 stages. All stages provide a high level of tech and content, with skilled sound engineers and top notch visualists, Entheos’ gear arrays rival those of festivals 10 times it’s size. Onbeyond has had the honour of doing graphic design for entheos since the original branding. Typically each year the design is refreshed in all the major ways: preflier, website, teasers, poster, flier, tickets, CD design, bridge passes. This year a number if design initiatives have been added to the plate, including an iphone App (we are soooo stoked about this), professional signage, a printed schedule program for attendees, and a upcoming Entheos 2012 full cycle pdf book following the concept of the event from it’s planning stages to this years epic cycle completion.