The Galactic Trading Card oracle complex is one of Onbeyond’s most distinguished and long running design contracts.  This is in the realm of soul work, a dream of a dream. Initially a collaboration of ideas presented by Dew press to Onbeyond Metamedia (then a fledgling company ) inspired by the world of trading cards, the deck grew to encompass the art of many of the worlds living visionary painters, poetry and metapoetics in many languages spanning many traditions, as well as many of the world’s visionary graphic designers. It is a syncretic oracle consisting of  trading cards with gorgeous art on the front, and a complex design interface on the back delivering an incredibly detailed information system pertaining to the card. It acts as a tarot, amongst other divinatory, educational and entertainment purposes. It is breathtaking and has evolved a long way from its humble beginnings.

I would hardly know where to begin in approaching the depth and scope of this design initiative. It has grown exponentially since its first incarnation in 2000 and has become an art and design institution. I want to give massive respect and admiration to Delvin Solkinson, the Permaculture Poet, Master media visionary behind the mycelial network that the GTC has become. This project was Delvin’s idea, and the original interfaces were hand drawn by Delvin himself and presented as gifts to friends and family. The concept grew in scope to include the art of the people within the close community of the Sunshine Coast, where we lived. Through a series of extensive outreach missions to places like LA, SF, Seattle, NYC, and Portugal, as well as a mighty mailing campaign spanning the globe,  Delvin has gathered a cast of artists, writers, translators and remix designers to give a depth to the Trading card deck that we never could have imagined when we began.  Here’s but a taste of the scope of this project. I have not included any of the art from the fronts as this art is specially agreed upon free release by some high level painters. Best to check it all out at